Render vs Reality: See How We Help You Get A Yard You Love

We want to help create a yard you love.    Not just hand off a design that can’t actually be built.    Or, that will cost way more than you budgeted for.    We work with you to not only create a design for your yard that you love.    But to support you throughout […]

Thanks for your submission!

We can’t wait to start exploring the potential in your yard.

Here’s what to expect next:

You’ll hear from our team within 24-48 business hours to schedule your free Design Consultation Call. You’ll get the chance to tell us more about your project and what you’re looking for in your new private resort.

If you have any questions before then, send us an email at: 

Sorry, we're not a good fit

We require a minimum construction budget of $200,000, so unfortunately, we don’t have a design package that fits your needs at this time.

Feel free to reach out with any questions and we’d love to stay connected on social media. Follow us @foxterradesign on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for a look at our latest designs.